Sunday, July 29, 2012

This place is way too religious!

Ok, this place is way too religious!  My boss told me to get some aerobic exercise so I trucked up the Mt. of Olives today. Since all the food shops are closed in East Jerusalem because of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, my goal was to make a big circle to the Old City over to the Jewish quarter and get a nice big shwarma. (He never said I couldn't mix exercise and food).  So, up hill and down dale, I finally get to the Jewish quarter, and everything is closed! Big fast commemorating the destruction of the temple. (No, it's not because Romney is here). Not to be discouraged, I went over to the Christian quarter, guessed it...its Sunday and everything is closed!

"I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today..."


  1. Poor Jeff. Hope you are enjoying your time of rest. Lori

  2. Hahahha! And in Alaska after church we had a delicious potluck! You need to come home and hang with your homies where food abounds! haha
